Currently, there are quite a few people suffering from Sick Building Syndrome. Sick Building Syndrome is a syndrome that occurs when the body is exposed to pollution inside buildings, which is caused by certain toxins mixed in building construction materials. Colors used inside the building and cleaning fluid, etc. Patients with this disease will have headaches, coughing, sneezing, nausea, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms will improve when the patient leaves the building. One way to solve the problem of toxic building disease is to plant trees that help purify the air in buildings. Let’s get to know the trees that Japanese people like to plant to purify the air in buildings and houses.

Dragon tongue tree or its Japanese name Sansuberia (サンスベリア)
The Sansevieria or Snake plant is a tree that NASA reports is very effective in purifying the air. It can absorb toxins and decompose dangerous substances that cause building poisoning, such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and chloroform.
Additionally, this plant releases negative ions and water into the atmosphere. Negative ions create a biochemical reaction that increases levels of serotonin in the ยูฟ่าเบท body. Resulting in helping relieve symptoms of depression and relieve stress.
Dragon tongue is a plant that tolerates heat and drought well. Therefore, it is a plant that is easy to grow and care for indoors.
Lily tree or Japanese name Supatifiramu (スパティフィラム)
Lily tree (Spathiphyllum) is an ornamental plant with shiny, dark green leaves. Flowers bloom white, similar to anthurium flowers. This type of tree is very effective at removing carbon dioxide gas. Therefore, it is the right tree to help refresh the atmosphere in the house.
However, sometimes if placed in a place that is not exposed to light, the plant will not bloom. Therefore, this type of plant should be placed in a place that receives light. and should be watered regularly If there is a lack of water, this plant will easily wither.
Ton Wasana or its Japanese name Massangeana (マッサンゲアナ)
The Massangeana tree is a tree with an upright, light brown trunk. The leaves are long and slender with pointed ends. The leaf surface is green with a yellow pattern running down the middle along the length of the leaf. This plant has the ability to absorb indoor toxins such as xylene, toluene, ammonia and formaldehyde. which is a good cause of building poisoning diseaseThe Wasana tree is an easy tree to care for. But you must water and till the soil often. You must also use a cloth to wipe the leaves from time to time to prevent aphids that may eat and damage the leaves.
Areca palm or its Japanese name Arekayashi (アレカヤシ)
Areca Palm is a plant that is highly effective at absorbing toxins, including xylene, toluene, and carbon monoxide. and change carbon dioxide into oxygen This is a plant suitable for growing in living rooms, halls and bedrooms because in addition to helping to absorb toxins, it also provides a relaxing atmosphere from the greenery of the trees.
To take care of it, you should wipe the leaves clean and expose them to sunlight every 3-4 months.
aloe vera Or the Japanese name Aroebera (アロエベラ)
Aloe vera is a plant that is easy to grow and is durable even without watering. This plant has the ability to absorb toxins including: formaldehyde and benzene very well
Tiger ear tree or Japanese name Aromatikasu (アロマティカス)
Tiger ear (Aromaticus) is a plant that is classified as a succulent plant and has leaves that have small hairs covering the surface of the leaves. When the leaves are crushed, they have a fresh scent. In addition to being used as an ornamental plant that is easy to grow, it can help purify the air. Japanese people also use this type of leaf to add fragrance to desserts and alcoholic drinks.
During this time, PM 2.5 dust has returned to be a problem in Thailand again. Try to find some such plants and plant them. In addition to helping clean the air, it also makes you feel refreshed from the greenery of the trees.